Refrigerator are a essential in every home, and as time proceeds they are getting smarter and delicate. Not just fridges other appliance service are getting smarter and delicate aswell. Therefore they need to be taken care of, and that’s what we are here for, to help you.
Refrigerators know what they are doing with your food, you should know what you’re doing with them as well. Here are some tips and tricks to keep your fridge in A1 shake.
- Only open the fridge when you need it, keep the for opening to a minimum
- There is a coil under the refrigerators known as the condenser coil, clean it every 6 month’s.
- Defrost the refrigerator once a year
- Do not keep lose food on the freezer, have it in airtight seal or ziplock.
- Cool down any hot/warm food before print it in the refrigerator
- Some refrigerators don’t have a dispenser, but if you do take advantage of it
- Don’t overload your refrigerator because the doors could stay open, the vents will close, therefore there wouldn’t be any proper cooling
- Don’t put less items because it cannot maintain temperature, so it will work overtime as well
If you have any questions feel free to email us